Monday, May 4, 2015

Can you be trusted with an infant?
This quiz was made on/for Facebook ( 
Can your friends trust you with their new baby? Probably not! But take the infant safety quiz to find out just how bad it might be!

The quiz is based on the U.S. Centers for Disease Control data on deaths as presented in The Worry Clock book (see for a free copy).
Answers are posted below.

1. Which is the animal associated with the most infant deaths?
Bears (Colbert is a genius)

2. Most accidental infant deaths are from…
Blind cords 
Sleeping in the wrong place (suffocation)

3. True or false: Bouncing and tossing a baby have been found to produce shaken baby syndrome.
True: Never bounce or toss a baby.
False: Go for it; gentle bouncing may even help brain development.

4. Where is the safest place to put an infant to sleep?
Lying on your chest on the couch.
In the middle of a large bed, far from any wall.
In a bassinette.
In a portable infant car seat.

5. Put these infant causes of death in order from most to least likely.
Homicide: Motor vehicle crashes: Drowning
Motor vehicle crashes: Drowning: Homicide
Motor vehicle crashes: Homicide: Drowning
Drowning: Motor vehicle crashes: Homicide

6. True or false: Inconsolable crying is normal for infants.
True: The peak occurs between 6 - 8 weeks, when a spike in homicide also occurs.
False: Infants use crying to communicate; there is more you can do.

7. When riding in a car, infants should be...
In a rear-facing seat in one of the back seats.
In a rear-facing seat in the middle back seat.
In a front-facing seat in a back seat.
In a front-facing seat in the middle back seat.

8. Infants choked to death on food as much as non food. Which non-food items are dangers?
A piece of a popped balloon.
A battery.
A 3 cm in diameter ball.
All of the above.

9. What is the #1 most common way infants die in bed?
"Wedging" when their head gets stuck, e.g., between the bed and wall, and causes suffocation.
Someone rolls over on them.
A blanket or other object covers their nose/mouth.
A pillow, including crib "bumpers," covers their nose/mouth.

10. True or false: When an infant is killed in a motor vehicle crash involving drunk driving, the drunk driver is most likely the one driving the infant.

11. The most dangerous period of a child's life is BY FAR...
Infant (0 to 1)
Toddler (1 to 4)
Young Child (5-9)
Early-teen (10-14)
Late teen (15-19)

12. Of all the accidents in the first year, which is worth up to 75% of your attention?
Removing drowning hazards.
Baby-proofing the house, especially blocking access to prescription medicines.
Following safe-sleep guidelines, like those from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Taking yoga or other relaxation classes to ensure you can stay calm through the crying.


1. Which is the animal associated with the most infant deaths?
Bears (Colbert is a genius)

ANSWER: Dogs. Dogs kill more kids than other animals combined. Of course, we are also exposed to them a lot more. I wrote an earlier blog on this topic if you want more information. 

2. Most accidental infant deaths are from…
Blind cords 
Sleeping in the wrong place (suffocation)
ANSWER: Sleeping in the wrong place. Falling and blind cords are minimal. Shaking or other form of homicide is actually the seconding leading cause of accidental deaths. (I know some people will contest my use of “accidental” but it is when caregivers are faced with an inconsolable baby that it most often occurs).

3. True or false: Bouncing and tossing a baby have been found to produce shaken baby syndrome.
True: Never bounce or toss a baby.
False: Go for it; gentle bouncing may even help brain development.

ANSWER: False. And, yes, it may even help brain development, but be gentle!

4. Where is the safest place to put an infant to sleep?
Lying on your chest on the couch.
In the middle of a large bed, far from any wall.
In a bassinette.
In a portable infant car seat.

ANSWER: Bassinette. All of the other answers have significant problems and the American Academy of Pediatrics warns against them.

5. Put these infant causes of death in order from most to least likely.
Homicide: Motor vehicle crashes: Drowning
Motor vehicle crashes: Drowning: Homicide
Motor vehicle crashes: Homicide: Drowning
Drowning: Motor vehicle crashes: Homicide

ANSWER: Homicide is second only to sleep issues, so it’s first here. Dads and sitters account for most of the culprits, so make sure they know that if the baby is crying and they cannot fix it, it is a natural and common event and they should walk away from the baby and stay calm.

6. True or false: Inconsolable crying is normal for infants.
True: The peak occurs between 6 - 8 weeks, when a spike in homicide also occurs.
False: Infants use crying to communicate; there is more you can do.

ANSWER: True. Have a friend about to have a baby? Don’t go for the birth, go during weeks 6-8 when the baby is likely to be most challenging and most other helpers have gone.

7. When riding in a car, infants should be...
In a rear-facing seat in one of the back seats.
In a rear-facing seat in the middle back seat.
In a front-facing seat in a back seat.
In a front-facing seat in the middle back seat.

ANSWER: Rear-middle. Middle of the back seat is the safest seat in any car. For the most part, if you strap the child in and don’t drink, car accidents are not much to worry about.

8. Infants choked to death on food as much as non food. Which non-food items are dangers?
A piece of a popped balloon.
A battery.
A 3 cm in diameter ball.
All of the above.

ANSWER: All. All pose choking problems, even a ball that big (anything under about 3.2 cm). Batteries, especially the new little round ones are causing poisoning and other problems, too, so make sure not to leave those lying around.

9. What is the #1 most common way infants die in bed?
"Wedging" when their head gets stuck, e.g., between the bed and wall, and causes suffocation.
Someone rolls over on them.
A blanket or other object covers their nose/mouth.
A pillow, including crib "bumpers," covers their nose/mouth.

ANSWER: Wedging. Even a baby who doesn’t yet crawl can manage to move around a bed and infants “rebreathe” or breathe in air they exhaled and can’t/don’t turn their heads like older children leading to suffocation.

10. True or false: When an infant is killed in a motor vehicle crash involving drunk driving, the drunk driver is most likely the one driving the infant.

ANSWER: True. Yes, if YOU don’t drink and drive, you’ve increased the car safety of your infant enormously.

11. The most dangerous period of a child's life is BY FAR...
Infant (0 to 1)
Toddler (1 to 4)
Young Child (5-9)
Early-teen (10-14)
Late teen (15-19)

ANSWER: Late teens. Now, we are talking accidents, not any cause of death. For any cause (e.g., genetic disorders), it is the infant year. For accidents, late teens more than swamp (about 25%) the infant year (roughly just under 20%).

12. Of all the accidents in the first year, which is worth up to 75% of your attention?
Removing drowning hazards.
Baby-proofing the house, especially blocking access to prescription medicines.
Following safe-sleep guidelines, like those from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Taking yoga or other relaxation classes to ensure you can stay calm through the crying.

ANSWER: Safe sleep! It matters way more (roughly 75% of all accidental deaths) than all the other craziness (e.g., there were no incidents of infants dying from sticking things in an outlet) and yet because there are not more products to sell (b/c the whole point is to have nothing in the kids’ space), there isn’t much of a focus on this. So, if you do nothing else, put the child to be in an approved crib or bassinette.